Dear Adelyn,
Today you’re two years old. It’s been two years of having you by my side. Two years of watching you grow, and learn, and explore. Two years of nursing you to sleep and waking with you in the night. It’s been really hard, but it’s been even more beautiful than I could’ve dreamt it would be.
You are sweet, snuggly, mischievous, adventurous, independent, silly, girly, mighty, stubborn, and as precious as rubies.
You love doing whatever your big brother does, twirling in your dresses, eating the inedible (crayons, sidewalk chalk, mud), and giving hugs and kisses to everyone.
I should’ve known you’d be a handful from the day you were born. You beat all of Brother’s milestones by at least two weeks. (Except for climbing out of your crib. Despite your desire to climb everything, you haven’t even attempted this feat.)
You don’t sleep through the night consistently, but you’re a much better sleeper than you were a year ago. You’re still my itty bitty baby at just 22 pounds. You’re tall and skinny and can fit into 6 month shorts and 2T shirts.
You speak in complete sentences. Say please and thanks. Sing your ABCs. Can count to 14. Love dancing with your Daddy. Have the loudest scream I’ve ever heard. Call yourself “funny Adelyn.” You love all animals. Hate all bugs.
Your favorite food is corn on the cob. Favorite song is Let It Go. Favorite book is Pinkaliscious’ ABCs. Favorite chore is laundry. Favorite game is Tickle Attack. Your laugh when I tickle your collar bone is my favorite.
I love you to the ends of the earth, my Punkin Noodle Punkin Pie. I pray for you all the time. That your heart remains pure, that you grow up to serve others, that you are a light to the world. Jesus gave you to me to teach me to release control, enjoy the small victories, and remember to pray in time of trial and triumph.
Happy 2nd birthday, Adelyn Carese.