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A luxury newborn and motherhood photographer, business coach, and educator. I have a heart for helping busy moms save oodles of time so they can spend more of it with their families. As a homeschool mom and business owner, I understand how precious your time is. My goal is to help you build the business, and life, of your dreams.

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Amelia’s Newborn Session | Mesa, AZ

Baby Amelia is here! I photographed Ashley and Steven’s maternity session earlier this summer, so when I got the email that their baby girl was born I jumped for joy!

“Amelia took her time making her debut, she was already anticipated to be on the larger side so my doctor was hoping she would come a little early, that was not what Amelia had planned. My doctor and I felt very strongly about not having a C-Section so she sent me in for an “outpatient” induction two days after Amelia’s due date, Steve and I went to the hospital at 10:00pm on Wednesday and spent eight hours in triage, I was given medication to help me dilate–that entire eight hours only got me to 3cm. Steve and I went home and for the next three days and did everything we could to serve Amelia further eviction notices: walking the mall, Target, Costco, eating pineapple, dates, drinking tea…all of it.

I went back to the doctor that next Monday and my blood pressure was elevated so she recommended we go to the hospital to start the full induction process. We got to the hospital at 10:00am and by 1:00pm I was on the pitocin IV. I lived on chicken broth and jello for the next eight hours. Around 9:00pm I still had not budged from my original 3cm so I went back on the other medication they gave me a few nights earlier, in 4 hours I was 2cm further along, yay! I then went back on the pitocin IV and started feeling contractions, I have never been so happy to be in pain. I was able to withstand the pain for a while until I opted for the epidural. Life was good at that point, other than the fact that I could no longer get out of bed and was on strictly water and ice chips. I continued to slowly dilate over the next 17 hours until I was finally at 10cm and they told me it was time to push. Everything became so real then, my daughter was about to be in my arms!

I pushed for about an hour and there she was, one week late, Amelia Grace LeTellier, born on our wedding anniversary! All 9lb 10oz of her, whew! It’s funny looking back because it really wasn’t that bad…the 38 hours in the hospital, the hunger, the exhaustion, the pain…she’s here and we are absolutely in love! I miss her when I sleep, I fall in love more every time I look at her. Everyone told me that would be the case, I didn’t realize how right they were until now.”

Ashley and Steve, words can’t even express how grateful I am to have captured both your maternity and newborn photos for you. It’s a great honor to be present during this special time in your lives! I pray that your journey as new parents is even more magical than you imagined. There truly is nothing like the love of a child! Amelia is so precious and I’m so happy you!


Amelia’s Nursery Details: Crib | Dresser | Rocker | Book Shelves | Side Tables | White Curtains | Pink Curtains | Woodland Prints | Pink Wall Flowers (homemade) | Large White Wall Flowers | Small White Wall Flowers

Ashley’s Robe | Nylon Headbands

For more information about my maternity and newborn sessions, please click here.

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