Copywriting can seem like a daunting task, but let me tell you how important it is to have good, effective copywriting for your website, emails, and social media posts. Sure, it can seem difficult when staring at a blank screen to come up with the right words that speak to your ideal client. It does require a level of writing skill to make your words convey the right message and speak directly to your audience. I recently recorded a special masterclass with Jenny Roth Copywriting specifically on Copywriting for Photographers where she dives deep into four major copywriting tips for photographers (spoiler alert: there may even be freebies, too)!

Copywriting for Photographers Masterclass
This month’s Membership for Motherhood Photographers masterclass includes an in-depth interview with small-business copywriting expert, Jenny Roth. She lets us know the three big mistakes that she often sees with copy, we talk about creating value through lead magnets, and she lets us know who your About page is really about (hint: it’s not you!). Jenny was also so generous and has gifted our members two templates: a one-page website template and an email welcome sequence for photographers. I may sound like a broken record, but if you don’t yet have an email list, you’re missing out on the most effective marketing strategy for your business!
Copywriting Tips for Photographers
Write How You Speak
Does your copy sound like you? It should! If your potential clients are landing on your website, blog, or social media pages they should get a great sense as to how you speak by reading your copy.
Write Directly to Your Ideal Client
If you haven’t yet done the work to discover your ideal client (or IC), then you’re missing out! When you know your IC’s deepest desires, struggles, hopes, and dreams, you’re able to more easily speak directly to her in your copy. Your copy will not only help to attract your ideal client, but it’ll also help to repel those are aren’t. If you’re frustrated from not booking your ideal client, then your copy isn’t doing its job to repel those who aren’t your ideal clients.
Copy is More Important Than Design
When it comes to your website especially, be sure to put just as much effort into your copy, if not more, than your design. A beautifully designed website won’t work for your business if the copy isn’t compelling to your ideal client.
Write for an Emotional Response
Your ideal client is going to make a decision to hire you or not based on the feelings you can elicit while reading your copy. Write to her emotional needs as to why she needs your services. She wants to feel special, spoiled, incredible, remarkable, and the list goes on. You want to make her feel like you’re the only photographer who can truly give her what she wants.
Copywriting is one of the most crucial parts of marketing your business effectively. Your copy should convey a message to your ideal client that evokes an emotion you are wanting them to feel! These incredible copywriting tips are only a small preview at the goodness Jenny uncovers in the masterclass exclusively for members of Membership for Motherhood Photographers! Log in or join today! See how you can better implement these tips within your very own copy for your photography business!